Fig. 4.
X-band EPR and ENDOR spectra of GcpE (and IspH) + HMBPP/IPP. (A) 13C ENDOR of GcpE + [u-13C]-HMBPP, difference spectrum (13C-labeled—unlabeled). The bottom inset is the A. aeolicus IspH E126A mutant + [u-13C]-HMBPP (from ref. 22). (B) 31P ENDOR of GcpE + [u-13C]-HMBPP. (C) Schematic illustration of HMBPP bound to an Fe4S4 cluster illustrating metallacycle formation. (D) EPR of GcpE + IPP. (E) 13C ENDOR of GcpE + [4-13C]-IPP, difference spectrum (13C-labeled–unlabeled). (F) 31P ENDOR of GcpE + [4-13C]-IPP. EPR frequency = 9.05 GHz; ENDOR frequency = 9.66 GHz; B0 was selected as the field where the maximum EPR signal intensity was obtained: A and B, 347.9 mT; E and F, 344.4 mT. τ-averaging (64 spectra at 8 ns step with initial τ = 200 ns) were used for collecting the Mims ENDOR spectra.