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. 2010 Apr 6;12(3):263–271. doi: 10.1208/s12248-010-9185-1

Table I.

Models Available in DDSolver for Fitting Drug Release Dataa

Module Model Equation Parameter(s) Reference(s)
# 301b Zero-order Inline graphic k 0 (15)
# 302b, c Zero-order with Tlag Inline graphic k 0, T lag (16)
# 303b, d Zero-order with F0 Inline graphic k 0, F 0 (13)
# 304e First-order Inline graphic k 1 (8)
# 305c, e First-order with T lag Inline graphic k 1, T lag (17)
# 306e, f First-order with F max Inline graphic k 1, F max (18)
# 307c, e, f First-order with T lag and F max Inline graphic k 1, T lag, F max (19)
# 308g Higuchi Inline graphic k H (12)
# 309c, g Higuchi with T lag Inline graphic k H, T lag (20)
# 310d, g Higuchi with F 0 Inline graphic k H, F 0 (21)
# 311h Korsmeyer–Peppas Inline graphic k KP, n (22,23)
# 312c, h Korsmeyer–Peppas with T lag Inline graphic k KP, n, T lag (20)
# 313d, h Korsmeyer–Peppas with F 0 Inline graphic k KP, n, F 0 (13)
# 314i Hixson–Crowell Inline graphic k HC (24)
# 315c, i Hixson–Crowell with T lag Inline graphic k HC, T lag (25)
# 316j Hopfenberg Inline graphic k HB, n (26)
# 317c, j Hopfenberg with T lag Inline graphic k HB, n, T lag (27)
# 318k Baker–Lonsdale Inline graphic k BL (28)
# 319c, k Baker–Lonsdale with T lag Inline graphic k BL, T lag (28)
# 320l Makoid–Banakar Inline graphic k MB, n, k (29)
# 321c, l Makoid–Banakar with T lag Inline graphic k MB, n, k, T lag (29)
# 322m Peppas–Sahlin_1 Inline graphic k 1, k 2, m (30)
# 323c, m Peppas–Sahlin_1 with T lag Inline graphic k 1, k 2, m, T lag (21)
# 324n Peppas–Sahlin_2 Inline graphic k 1, k 2 (30)
# 325c, n Peppas–Sahlin_2 with T lag Inline graphic k 1, k 2, T lag (30)
# 326o Quadratic Inline graphic k 1, k 2 (8,13)
# 327c, o Quadratic with T lag Inline graphic k 1, k 2, T lag (8)
# 328p, q Weibull_1 Inline graphic α, β, Ti (31)
# 329p Weibull_2 Inline graphic α, β (11)
# 330f, p Weibull_3 Inline graphic α, β, F max (18)
# 331f, p, q Weibull_4 Inline graphic α, β, Ti, F max (32)
# 332r Logistic_1 Inline graphic α, β (11)
# 333f, r Logistic_2 Inline graphic α, β, F max (18,33)
# 334f, s Logistic_3 Inline graphic k, γ, F max (8,32)
# 335t Gompertz_1 Inline graphic α, β (18)
# 336f, t Gompertz_2 Inline graphic α, β, F max (18,19)
# 337f, u Gompertz_3 Inline graphic k, γ, F max (8,32)
# 338f, v Gompertz_4 Inline graphic k, β, F max (34)
# 339w Probit_1 Inline graphic α, β (11,18)
# 340f, w Probit_2 Inline graphic α, β, F max (18)

aIn all models, F is the fraction(%) of drug released in time t

b k 0 is the zero-order release constant

c T lag is the lag time prior to drug release

d F 0 is the initial fraction of the drug in the solution resulting from a burst release

e k 1 is the first-order release constant

f F max is the maximum fraction of the drug released at infinite time

g k H is the Higuchi release constant

h k KP is the release constant incorporating structural and geometric characteristics of the drug-dosage form; n is the diffusional exponent indicating the drug-release mechanism

i k HC is the release constant in Hixson–Crowell model

j k HB is the combined constant in Hopfenberg model, k HB = k 0/(C 0 × a 0), where k 0 is the erosion rate constant, C 0 is the initial concentration of drug in the matrix, and a 0 is the initial radius for a sphere or cylinder or the half thickness for a slab; n is 1, 2, and 3 for a slab, cylinder, and sphere, respectively

k k BL is the combined constant in Baker–Lonsdale model, k BL = [3 × D × Cs/(r 20 × C 0)], where D is the diffusion coefficient, Cs is the saturation solubility, r 0 is the initial radius for a sphere or cylinder or the half-thickness for a slab, and C 0 is the initial drug loading in the matrix

l k MB, n, and k are empirical parameters in Makoid–Banakar model (k MB, n, k > 0)

m k 1 is the constant related to the Fickian kinetics; k 2 is the constant related to Case-II relaxation kinetics; m is the diffusional exponent for a device of any geometric shape which inhibits controlled release

n k 1 is the constant denoting the relative contribution of t 0.5-dependent drug diffusion to drug release; k 2 is the constant denoting the relative contribution of t-dependent polymer relaxation to drug release

o k 1 is the constant in Quadratic model denoting the relative contribution of t 2-dependent drug release; k 2 is the constant in Quadratic model denoting the relative contribution of t-dependent drug release

p α is the scale parameter which defines the time scale of the process; β is the shape parameter which characterizes the curve as either exponential (β = 1; case 1), sigmoid, S-shaped, with upward curvature followed by a turning point (β > 1; case 2), or parabolic, with a higher initial slope and after that consistent with the exponential (β < 1; case 3)

q Ti is the location parameter which represents the lag time before the onset of the dissolution or release process and in most cases will be near zero

r α is the scale factor in Logistic 1 and 2 models; β is the shape factor in Logistic 1 and 2 models

s k is the shape factor in Logistic 3 model; γ is the time at which F = F max/2

t α is the scale factor in Gompertz 1 and 2 models; β is the shape factor in Gompertz 1 and 2 models

u k is the shape factor in Gompertz 3 model; γ is the time at which F = F max/exp(1) ≈ 0.368 × F max

v β is the scale factor in Gompertz 4 model; k is the shape factor in Gompertz 4 model

wФ is the standard normal distribution; α is the scale factor in Probit model; β is the shape factor in Probit model