(A) Natural products that have been isolated from individual soil derived eDNA clones are shown. These include terragines A–E (1–5)8, norcardamine (6)8, turbomycin A (7) and B (8)9, a C3-isocyanide functionalized indole derivative (9)10, erdacin (10)11, aliphatic dienic alcohol isomers (11,12)12, indirubin (13)13, 14, indigo (14)13, 14, deoxyviolacein (15)15, violacein (16)15, palmitoylputrescine (17)16, long chain enol esters (18)17, long chain eneamides (19)17, and various long chain N-acyl amino acids (20–23).18–20 (B) TAR-based gene cluster reassembly strategies can provide access to larger natural product gene clusters captured on overlapping eDNA clones.