Table 1.
Disposition | Measure | Reference |
Negative urgency | Inhibitory control | Buss & Plomin (1975) |
NEO-PI-R impulsiveness scale | Costa & McCrae (1992) | |
Barratt's attentional impulsivity | Patton, Stanford & Barratt (1995) | |
Sensation seeking | Buss and Plomin's sensation seeking scale | Buss & Plomin (1975) |
Eysenck's venturesomeness scale | Eysenck et al. (1985) | |
NEO-PI-R excitement seeking scale | Costa & McCrae (1992) | |
Dickman's functional impulsivity scale | Dickman (1990) | |
Lack of planning | NEO-PI-R deliberation scale (negatively) | Costa & McCrae (1992) |
Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire control scale | Tellegen (in press) | |
Personality Research Form impulsivity scale | Jackson (1984) | |
Eysenck's I-7 impulsivity scale | Eysenck et al. (1985) | |
Temperament and Character Inventory impulsivity scale | Cloninger (1987) | |
Buss and Plomin's decision time scale | Buss & Plomin (1975) | |
Barratt's lack of planning and motor impulsivity scales | Patton et al. (1995) | |
Barratt's attentional impulsivity | Patton et al. (1995) | |
Lack of perseverance | NEO-PI-R self-discipline scale (negatively) | Costa & McCrae (1992) |
Sensation Seeking Scale disinhibition and boredom susceptibility scales | Zuckerman (1994) | |
Buss and Plomin's persistence scale. | Buss & Plomin (1975) | |
Positive urgency | — |
NEO-PI-R = NEO Personality Inventory-Revised.