Figure 2.
Nmyc is required in medulloblastoma derived from Math1-cre:SmoM2 mice. (A) Sagittal cerebellar section from a 137 days old Math1-cre:NmycFl/FlSmoM2 mouse with a highly disorganized cerebellar cortex. High power magnifications proved absence of a regular internal granular layer and diffusely distributed Purkinje neurons. Note that only single granule neurons are detectable by antibodies against NeuN (inset, arrows). (B) Kaplan Meier analysis revealed significantly prolonged survival of Math1-cre:NmycFl/FlSmoM2 mice (n= 20) as compared to controls (n=28, p<0.001). Circles indicate survival of animals shown in A and C. (C) Math1-cre:NmycFl/FlSmoM2 animals that died from medulloblastoma showing expression of full-length Nmyc as revealed by in-situ hybridizations. Transcription of Nmyc was possible due to incomplete genetic recombination which was demonstrated by PCR on genomic tumor DNA. Lane 1, marker; lane 2, Math1-cre:SmoM2 tumor; lane 3, Math1-cre:NmycFl/+ SmoM2 tumor; lane 4, Math1-cre:NmycFl/FlSmoM2 tumor. Scale bar is 1 mm for left image in A, 2 mm for left image in B, 200 μm for right images in A and B and 60 μm for the inset.