(A and B) Ifnar1−/− or WT mice with developing gliomas received i.p. injections of anti-Ly6G mAb (RB6-8C5; 0.25 mg/dose) or control IgG on days 21, 23, 25, and 27 after tumor induction. (A) The mice were sacrificed, and BILs were isolated for CD11b+Ly6G+ subpopulations. (B) Symptom-free survival was monitored. (C and D) Ifnar1−/− or WT mice with developing gliomas received i.p. injections of anti-CD25 mAb (PC61; 0.25 mg/dose) or control IgG on days 21 and 24 after tumor induction. (C) The mice were sacrificed, and BILs were isolated for CD4+FoxP3+ subpopulations. (D) Symptom-free survival was monitored.