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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Jan;31(1):35–46. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2036.2009.04153.x

Table I.

Summary of Mechanism of Action and Clinical Efficacy of New or Promising Medications in Treatment of IBS (adapted from ref. 2, Camilleri M, Chang L. Gastroenterology 2008;135:1877-91

Drug Class Examples Rationale or Putative Action Pharmacodynamic (intestine or colon) Clinical Efficacy: Phase IIB or III Primary Endpoints Safety Issues/Comments
CCK1 antagonist dexloxiglumide Competitive antagonist of the CCK1- receptor Slower ascending colon emptying with no significant effect on overall colonic transit Two initial IIB or III trials: not efficacious in IBS-C; a randomized withdrawal design trial showed longer time to loss of therapeutic response, longer for dexloxiglumide
NK antagonists NK1 antagonist, ezlozipant NK1-receptors’ role in nociception Reduce the emotional response of IBS patients to rectosigmoid distension None
NK2-antagonist, nepadutant NK2-receptors’ influence on smooth muscle contractility Reduce contraction frequency and amplitude on MMC in SB in healthy males None
NK3-antagonist, talnetant NK3-receptors’ role in nociception No effect on rectal compliance, sensory thresholds or intensity ratings in healthy controls Two IIB trials in 1350 IBS patients: no benefit
5-HT4-agonists prucalopride Stimulate intrinsic cholinergic neurons to enhance motility Increases SB, colon motility and transit in healthy controls and patients with chronic constipation IIB and III in CC (thousands of pts): BM frequency and satisfaction with bowel function both improved Greater selectivity for 5-HT4 than 5-HT1B or hERG channel
ATI-7505 Stimulate intrinsic cholinergic neurons to enhance motility Increases colon transit in healthy controls None reported Greater selectivity for 5-HT4; not metabolized by CTP 3A4
velusetrag (TD-5108) Stimulate intrinsic cholinergic neurons to enhance motility Dose-related increase in SB and colon transit in healthy controls IIB, dose-ranging study in 401 CC patients increased BM frequency and proportion with adequate relief Greater selectivity for 5-HT4
5-HT3-antagonist ramosetron Inhibits secretion, motility, nociception None reported IIB, dose-ranging studies document benefit on global relief and bowel function endpoints in IBS-D Safety concern regarding ischemic colitis with same drug class
C1-C2 channel activator lubiprostone Increases intestinal water and electrolyte secretion Accelerates SB and colonic transit in healthy controls Two phase III in several hundred CC and IBS-C patients: efficacious Nausea that is usually mild; FDA approved
Guanylate cyclase-C agonist linaclotide Increases intestinal water and electrolyte secretion Accelerated ascending colonic transit and altered bowel function in 36 women with IBS-C IIA and IIB studies in CC or IBS: increased BM frequency
K-opioid agonist asimadoline κ-opioid receptors in visceral perception Reduce sensation in response to colon distensions in the non-noxious range; relax colon tone in healthy controls; increase sensory thresholds in patients with IBS On-demand dosing not effective in reducing severity of abdominal pain in 100 IBS patients; IIB, dose-ranging study, 596 IBS patients: at least average moderate pain benefit in IBS-D and IBS-A
2,3-Benzodiazepine modulator dextofisopam Potential to reduce stimulation-induced colonic motility and visceral sensitivity None reported IIB study in 140 IBS patients: increased number of months of adequate overall relief of IBS symptoms; efficacy lower over time ? more abdominal pain or headaches vs placebo