Fig. 1. ZIP4 upregulates the expression of NRP-1 in pancreatic cancer cell lines.
Total RNA was extracted from MIA-V, MIA-ZIP4, ASPC-shV, and ASPC-shZIP4 cells and the mRNA level for NRP-1 was analyzed by real time PCR, and normalized to that of the house keeping gene, β-actin. Relative mRNA level is presented as fold change compared with the vector control cells. A. Relative NRP-1 mRNA level in MIA-V and MIA-ZIP4 cells. B. Relative NRP-1 mRNA level in ASPC-shV and ASPC-shZIP4 cells. C. NRP-1 protein level in ASPC-shV and ASPC-shZIP4 cells. D. Relative ZIP4 and NRP-1 mRNA levels in human pancreatic cancer cell lines. All data shown are the mean±SD of three separate experiments. *p < 0.05.