Full restoration of motility in relaxed larvae zygote-injected with β1aAAA mutant RNA. (A) Representative plots of total dynamic pixels per frame of 2-min video recordings of spontaneous larval movements. Relaxed larvae zygote-injected with either rb-β1a (left) or rb-β1aAAA RNA (right) revealed a similar movement profile. (B) To quantify larval movement extent, mean values of cumulative dynamic pixels per movement for each experimental group were calculated and standardized to those of normal larvae. Relaxed larvae zygote-injected with either zf-β1aAAA or rb-β1aAAA mutant RNA showed full recovery of larval movement extent, indistinguishable (p > 0.05) from normal larvae or from relaxed larvae injected with either zf-β1a or rb-β1a. One-way ANOVA revealed overall non-significance (p = 0.62, F(4,274) = 0.66). Uninjected relaxed larvae never showed any motility (nd, not detectable).