Figure 6. Depletion of SNX9 by siRNA significantly reduced invasion of Caco-2 cells by EPEC, but not Salmonella.
A. Western blot of Caco-2 cells three days after electroporation without oligonucleotide (Mock), with a scrambled RNA oligonucleotide (Scram.), or with SNX9-specific siRNA (siRNA). Image is representative of 6 independent experiments. SNX9 protein levels were assessed in parallel with EPEC and Salmonella invasion assays. B. Integrated density analysis of 6 Western blots represented in A. Values are indicative of SNX9 band density relative to actin band density. *: p<0.05. C. Gentamicin protection assays of Caco-2 cells described in A and infected with WT EPEC at an MOI of 0.3. *: p<0.05. D. Gentamicin protection assays of Caco-2 cells described in A and infected with Salmonella at an MOI of 0.3. *: p<0.05.