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. 2010 Apr 26;48(7):2433–2439. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00208-10


Characteristics of included studies with culture as the reference standard

Method and authors, yr (reference) Country Stain Chemical method Physical method Study population Health care setting Patient selection No. of subjects EQA Use of blinded smears Smear-positive criteria
Bleach centrifugation
    Ängeby et al., 2000 (1) Honduras ZN Bleach, 5.25% Centrifugation at 3,000 × g Pulmonary TB suspects/patients Inpatient and outpatient Convenience 303 NR NR Unclear
    Bruchfeld et al., 2000 (6) Ethiopia ZN Bleach, 5% Centrifugation at 3,000 × g Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Consecutive 510 NR Yes 1
    Daley et al., 2009 (7) India AO Bleach Centrifugation at 3,000 × g Pulmonary TB suspects Inpatient and outpatient Consecutive 178 Yes Yes 1
    Eyangoh et al. (study a), 2008 (9) Cameroon ZN Bleach, 1.8% Centrifugation at 400 × g Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Consecutive 936 Yes Yes 10
    Eyangoh et al. (study b), 2008 (9) Cameroon AO Bleach, 1.8% Centrifugation at 400 × g Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Consecutive 936 Yes Yes 10
    Gebre et al., 1995 (13) Ethiopia ZN Bleach, 4.4% Centrifugation at speed NR Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Convenience 100 NR Yes Unclear
    Merid et al. (study c), 2009 (18) Ethiopia ZN Bleach, 5% Centrifugation at 3,000 × g Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Consecutive 497 Yes Yes 1
    Mutha et al. (study b), 2005 (19) India ZN Bleach, 5% Centrifugation at 3,000 rpm Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Convenience 297 NR NR Unclear
    Wilkinson et al., 1997 (27) South Africa ZN Bleach, 4-5% Centrifugation at 1,000 × g Pulmonary TB suspects Inpatient Consecutive 166 NR Yes Unclear
Bleach sedimentation
    Farnia et al., 2002 (10) Iran ZN Bleach, NR Sedimentation overnight Pulmonary TB suspects Inpatient and outpatient Convenience 430 NR Yes 1
    Frimpong et al., 2005 (11) Ghana ZN Bleach, 1% Sedimentation overnight Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient NR 131 NR NR Unclear
    Lawson et al., 2006 (15) Nigeria ZN Bleach, 3.5% Sedimentation for <1 h Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Convenience 752 NR Yes 1
    Merid et al. (study a), 2009 (18) Ethiopia ZN Bleach, 5% Sedimentation for <1 h Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Consecutive 497 Yes Yes 1
    Merid et al. (study b), 2009 (18) Ethiopia ZN Bleach, 5% Sedimentation overnight Pulmonary TB suspects Outpatient Consecutive 497 Yes Yes 1

Abbreviations: AO, auramine-O; EQA, external quality assessment; NR, not reported; TB, tuberculosis; ZN, Ziehl-Neelsen.