Oag modal chain length conferred by the different classes of Wzzi mutants expressed in S. flexneri RMA2741. (A) LPS samples were prepared, electrophoresed on a 15% SDS-polyacrylamide gel, and silver stained as described in Materials and Methods. The strains in each lane are as follows: 1, RMA2741(pQE-30); 2, RMA2741(pRMCD30); 3, RMA2741 (i32, class I); 4, RMA2741 (i219, class II); 5, RMA2741 (i92, class III); 6, RMA2741 (i81, class IV); and 7, RMA2741 (i131, class V). (B) Schematic representation of the locations of each insertion within WzzSF, illustrating the insertions within WzzSF that were designated titles according to the last uninterrupted amino acid preceding the 5-aa insertion. The proline rich motif is indicated (P/G motif). Secondary structural features are based on the 3D structure of WzzST.