The MDPC-23 cells, which are organized in epithelioid nodules, present large plasma membrane with several small cytoplasmic processes (arrows). Experimental groups G1(a), G2(b), G3(c), and G4(d). SEM, original magnification ×500. In group G5(e), odontoblasts with morphological changes characterized by small size and a few cytoplasmic processes are observed. In this experimental group, some residual cell membrane fragments are observed. SEM, original magnification ×500. In group G6(f), a number of MDPC-23 cells detached from the glass substrate. On the exposed glass substrate, a number of residual fragments of cytoplasmatic membrane from death cells can be seen (arrows). The cells that remained attached to the substrate are organized in epithelioid nodules. SEM, original magnification ×500.