Organization and identification of neurons and glia in the trigeminal ganglion. The cellular organization of the trigeminal ganglion is shown in the top panels. (a) A longitudinal section of a trigeminal ganglion stained with the fluorescent dye DAPI to identify cell nuclei is shown at 40× magnification. The relative locations of the V1, V2, and V3 regions are indicated. (b) The cell bodies of neuronal cells are organized into bands or clusters within the ganglion. A band of neuronal (vertical arrows) and satellite glial cells (thick horizontal arrows) is shown at 400× magnification. Also visible are Schwann cells (thin horizontal arrows). (c) An enlarged image of a functional unit consisting of a single neuron (vertical arrow) surrounded by several satellite glia cells (horizontal arrows) is shown. Bottom panels: A 400× magnification of a neuron-satellite glia enriched region costained with antibodies against the neuronal cell marker NF-200 and the satellite glial cell marker Kir 4.1, as well as DAPI is shown (A). An enlarged image of a functional unit is shown in panel B. A merged image of the same sections stained for NF-200, Kir 4.1, and DAPI staining is shown in the bottom right panels.