Table 3.
Propensity Score Model Predicting ESL Placement
First- and Second-Generation Students in Schools Offering ESL | |
n = 1,683 | Beta (SE) |
Intact family structure | 0.359 (0.272) |
Female | 0.032 (0.239) |
Northeast | −0.086 (0.409) |
South | 0.306 (0.391) |
Parent education: College | −0.458* (0.395) |
Parent education: Some secondary | 0.100 (0.307) |
Parent education: Some college | −1.113 (0.458) |
Age at Wave I | 0.368*** (0.084) |
Interview in non-English language | 0.869** (0.336) |
Second generation | −1.773*** (0.285) |
Asian | −0.409 (0.325) |
White | −3.477*** (0.637) |
Black | 0.227 (0.759) |
AH-PVT (English Vocabulary Test) | −0.015** (0.005) |
Low math placement Grade 9 | 0.734** (0.249) |
Proportion Filipino in school | 2.513 (1.660) |
Proportion Cuban in school | −8.375* (3.778) |
Proportion of parents without high school diploma | −1.660 (0.994) |
Proportion age 5+ not speaking English well in student’s neighborhood | 0.922 (1.146) |
Male unemployment rate in student’s neighborhood | 3.711 (1.945) |
Constant | −5.940*** (−6.677) |
Note: AH-PVT = Add Health Picture Vocabulary Test; ESL = English as a second language.
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001.