FIG. 2.
FACS assays for detection of cell surface receptors. (A) Detection of CD134 and CD9 receptors on 104-C1 and 104-C1-OrfA cells. (Left) Detection of CD134 using rabbit anti-CD134 antibody. Red, background control; blue, 104-C1-OrfA cells; green, 104-C1 cells. (Middle) Detection of CD134 using SU-Fc adhesion. Red, background control; blue, 104-C1-OrfA cells; green, 104-C1 cells. (Right) Detection of CD9 using mouse anti-CD9 antibody. Red, background control; blue, 104-C1-OrfA cells; green, 104-C1 cells. (B) FACS analysis of infected 104-C1 cells using rabbit anti-CD134 antibody. (Left) Detection of CD134 on FIV-PPR-infected 104-C1 cells. Red, background control; blue, FIV-PPR-infected 104-C1 cells; green, uninfected 104-C1cells. (Right) Detection of CD134 on 34TF10-OrfArep-infected 104-C1 cells. Red, background control; blue, OrfArep-infected 104-C1 cells; green, uninfected 104-C1 cells.