FIG. 3.
OrfA mRNA quantitation and FACS assays on CD134 surface levels for siRNA-treated OrfA knockdown cells. (A) Quantitative real-time PCR showed that OrfA mRNA level was greatly reduced in siRNA-transfected 104-C1-OrfA cells. Scrambled siRNA had no effect on the turnover rate of OrfA mRNA. (B) siRNA knockdown assay for confirming OrfA as a function of CD134 downregulation. FACS analysis for detecting CD134 on siRNA-treated OrfA transfected 104-C1 cells. The CD134 level on transfected cells is upregulated 2-fold compared to the level for 104-C1-OrfA. Scrambled siRNA had no effect on the regulation of CD134.