Deletion of the luminal/extracellular and cytoplasmic domains of Pcdh-γA3 differentially affect lysosomal localization, LC3 clustering, and tubule formation. A, intracellular accumulations of ΔCCD-GFP, when found, did not induce clustering of RFP-LC3 and did not colocalize with LAMP-2. In contrast, the luminal/extracellular deletion (ΔECD-GFP) did induce clustering of RFP-LC3 and colocalized with LAMP-2. B, electron micrographs of ΔECD-GFP and ΔCCD-GFP intracellular accumulations are shown. ΔECD-GFP was found in clustered juxtanuclear organelles that contained smaller particles in the lumen (arrows), suggestive of distorted lysosomes whereas ΔCCD-GFP generated larger membrane whorls that resembled ER distortion as has been observed previously (25, 26). C, intracellular ΔCCD-GFP induced membrane whorls labeled positive with anti-KDEL antibodies (arrowhead). N, nucleus.