Inhibition of Hck-T338A kinase activity with NaPP1 selectively restores the sensitivity of K562-Hck-T338A cells to imatinib in the colony-forming assay. K562-Neo, K562-Hck, and K562-Hck-T338A cell populations were plated in colony-forming assays in the presence of the indicated combinations of imatinib and NaPP1. Colonies were stained 10–14 days later and were counted from scanned images of the plates. Each data point represents the average colony count from three replicate plates ±S.D. The entire experiment was repeated twice from independently derived cell populations and yielded comparable results. A representative experiment is shown. Two-way ANOVA was performed to determine statistical significance of the effect of imatinib and NaPP1 on each cell line. For K562-Neo and K562-Hck cells, the effect of imatinib on colony formation was statistically significant with p < 0.0001, whereas NaPP1 had no significant effect (p > 0.05). For K562-Hck-T338A cells, both imatinib and NaPP1 had a significant effect (p < 0.0001).