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. 2008 Oct 31;33(5):1217–1222. doi: 10.1007/s00264-008-0682-0

Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics in study sample (N = 335)

Variables n %
Patient attributes
  Agea (y) 59.82 ± 14.71
  Gender Male 190 56.72
Female 145 43.28
  Marital status Married 304 90.75
Other 31 9.25
  Education level Below elementary 123 36.72
Elementary 117 34.92
High school or above 95 28.36
  Number of comorbiditiesa 0.61 ± 0.46
  Durationa (mo) 40.31 ± 30.48
  Previous arthroplasty No 262 78.20
Yes 73 21.80
  Principal diagnosis Avascular necrosis 126 37.61
Osteoarthritis 175 52.24
Other 34 10.15
  Harris hip score: postoperative paina 18.15 ± 8.55
  Harris hip score: preoperative physical functiona 22.31 ± 9.15
Hospital attributes
  Physician Surgeon A 192 57.31
Surgeon B 143 42.69
  Operating timea (minutes) 140.48 ± 30.70
  Cement type Cementless 320 95.52
Cemented 15 4.48
  Prosthesis brand Zimmer 97 28.95
Corin 167 49.85
Other 71 21.20
  Anaesthesia type General 178 53.13
Spinal/epidural 157 46.87
Quality of care
  Readmission within 30 days No 329 98.21
Yes 6 1.79
  Average length of staya (days) 7.89 ± 2.29

a Mean ± standard deviation