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. 2009 Aug 12;18(12):1920–1926. doi: 10.1007/s00586-009-1129-z

Table 2.

Correlations of the parameters in patients with AIS

Age BMI cBMI LSBMD FNBMD Doubling time Alkaline phosphatase activity Osteogenic differentiation Adipogenic differentiation
Age r −0.2887 −0.2381 0.4330 0.4934 0.1832 −0.2554 −0.1580 0.1549
P 0.2307 0.3264 0.0641 0.0318 0.4529 0.2913 0.5184 0.5266
BMI r −0.2887 0.3734 −0.0482 0.0530 −0.0020 0.3737 −0.0207 0.2153
P 0.2307 0.1153 0.8447 0.8293 0.9935 0.1151 0.9329 0.3761
cBMI r −0.2381 0.3734 −0.0161 0.0958 −0.0187 0.3734 −0.0098 0.2384
P 0.3264 0.1153 0.9478 0.6965 0.9395 0.1153 0.9683 0.3256
LSBMD r 0.4330 −0.0482 −0.0161 0.6152 0.3207 0.0444 0.2793 0.1110
P 0.0641 0.8447 0.9478 0.0051 0.1806 0.8567 0.2468 0.6511
FNBMD r 0.4934 0.0530 0.0958 0.6152 0.0785 −0.0197 0.0255 0.3124
P 0.0318 0.8293 0.6965 0.0051 0.7493 0.9362 0.9173 0.1928
Doubling time r 0.1832 −0.0020 −0.0187 0.3207 0.0785 −0.2638 −0.1851 −0.4898
P 0.4529 0.9935 0.9395 0.1806 0.7493 0.2752 0.4481 0.0333
Alkaline phosphatase activity r −0.2554 0.3737 0.3734 0.0444 −0.0197 −0.2638 0.5475 0.3688
P 0.2913 0.1151 0.1153 0.8567 0.9362 0.2752 0.0153 0.1202
Osteogenic differentiation r −0.1580 −0.0207 −0.0098 0.2793 0.0255 −0.1851 0.5475 −0.0816
P 0.5184 0.9329 0.9683 0.2468 0.9173 0.4481 0.0153 0.7399
Adipogenic differentiation r 0.1549 0.2153 0.2384 0.1110 0.3124 −0.4898 0.3688 −0.0816
P 0.5266 0.3761 0.3256 0.6511 0.1928 0.0333 0.1202 0.7399

cBMI corrected BMI