Fig. 3.
Seventy-five-years-old patient had suffered a low-height fall. Injury radiographs (a, b) and CT-scans (c, d) displayed an anteriorly displaced odontoid type III fracture with comminuted (impression/depression) fracture of the left lateral mass. Patient was treated with Philadelphia collar. At 6-months follow-up, radiographs (e, f) and CT-scans revealed malunion of C2 with anterior displacement of the odontoid/vertebral body fragment, relative stenosis C1–2, deformed left atlantoaxial joint. Rotation C1–2 was painful and restricted due to bony deformation of the articular surface (j). Left-sided rotation was 9.1° and right-sided was 13.8°. Patient had motion induced pain and vertigo which was recognized to be a sequelae of dynamic vertebral artery stenosis (k). Patient underwent posterior fixation C1–2 (M1 + 2, N) and she immediatedly gained complete pain resolution