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. 2009 Sep 15;19(2):181–204. doi: 10.1007/s00586-009-1155-x

Table 4.

Prospective controlled studies

Study/author, methodology Main inclusion criteria, main exclusion criteria Type/level LDH Interventions/technique/instrumentation Follow-up: duration and outcome Comment
Hermantin et al. [11], randomized n = 60 Inclusion criteria Type: intracanal LDH Index: arthroscopic microdiscectomy Follow-up I: mean 31 months (range 19–42), 0% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Level: single level, L2–S1 Pure intradiscal technique Kambin technique biportal: n = 2 C: mean 32 months (range 21–42), 0% lost to follow-up
 Post-tension sign n = 30 ♀8 ♂22, mean 39 years, range 15–66 Pain (VAS) I: pre-op. 6.6, follow-up 1.9, difference 4.7 = 71%
 Neurological deficit Control: open Laminotomie, n = 30 ♀13 ♂17, mean 40 years, range 18–67 C: pre-op. 6.8, follow-up 1.2, difference 5.6 = 82%
Exclusion criteria Return to work (mean): I: 27, C: 49 days
 Sequestration GPE (unclear instrument) I: 97%, C: 93% excellent + good
 Previous surgery (same level) PS (very satisfied) I: 73%, C: 67%
 Central or lateral stenosis Complications I: 6.7%, C: 0%
Re-operations I: 6.7%, C: 3.3%
Hoogland et al. [16], not adequately randomized (birth date) n = 280 Inclusion criteria Type: all LDH Index: transforaminal endoscopic discectomy Follow-up I: 24 months, 16% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Level: single level, L2–S1 Intradiscal and intracanal technique, Thessys instrumentation, n = 142 ♀50 ♂92, mean 41 years, range 18–60 C: 24 months, 16% lost to follow-up
 Post-tension sign Control: transforaminal endoscopic discectomy combined with injection of low-dose (1,000 U) chymopapain. n = 138 ♀44 ♂94, mean 40.3 years, range 18–60 Pain leg (VAS) I: pre-op. 8.0, follow-up 2.0, difference 6.0 = 75%
 Neurological deficit C: pre-op. 8.2, follow-up 1.9, difference 6.3 = 77%
Exclusion criteria Pain back (VAS) I: pre-op. 8.2, follow-up 2.6, difference 5.6 = 68%
 Obesity C: pre-op. 8.2, follow-up 2.8, difference 5.4 = 66%
 Previous surgery (same level) GPE (MacNab) I: 16% excellent, 33.8% good, 0.9% poor
C: 63% excellent, 27% good, 0.9% poor NS
PS I: 85%, C: 93% S
Recurrence I: 7.4%, C: 4.0%
Complications I: 2.1%, C: 2.2% NS
Re-operations I: 6.1%, C: 1.6%
Krappel et al. [31], not adequately randomized (alternating) n = 40 Inclusion criteria Type: not specified Index: endoscopic transforaminal nucleotomy Follow-up I: range 24–36 months, 5% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Level: single level, L4–S1 Pure intradiscal technique, Mathews technique, Sofamor–-Danek endoscope, n = 20 ♀? ♂?, mean 41 years, range 36–54 C: range 24–36 months, 0% lost to follow-up
 Post-tension sign Control: Open nucleotomy, n = 20 ♀? ♂?, mean 39 years, range 25–43 GPE (MacNab) I: 16% excellent, 68% good, 0% poor
 Neurological deficit C: 15% excellent, 60% good, 0% poor NS
Exclusion criteria Return to work I: 100%, C 100%
 Sequestration Recurrence I: 5%, C 0%
 High iliac crest Complications I: 0%, C 0%
Re-operations I: 5%, C 0%
Lee et al. [34], not adequately randomized, (preference of surgeon) n = 300 Inclusion criteria Type: not specified Index: percutaneous endoscopic laser discectomy (PELD), n = 100 ♀35 ♂65 Follow-up 12 months, 0% lost to follow-up Authors included n = 3 patients in satisfactory group after re-operation. These were labelled as ‘adverse effects’ and ‘re-operations’ in this review
 Radiculopathy Level: single level, L3–S1 Pure intradiscal technique, Kambin technique GPE (modified MacNab) I: 29%, C1: 20%, C2: 18% excellent
Exclusion criteria Control 1: chemonucleolysis, n = 100 ♀24 ♂76 I: 39%,C1: 35%, C2: 30% good
 Sequestration Control 2: automated percutaneous discectomy, n = 100 ♀28 ♂72 I: 9%, C1: 18%, C2: 20% poor
Return to work (6 weeks) I: 81%, C1: 67%, C2: 66%
Complications I: 4%, C1: 10%, C2: 3%
Re-operations I: 9%, C1: 18%, C2: 20%
Mayer and Brock [39], randomization not specified n = 40 Inclusion criteria Type: not specified Index: percutaneous endoscopic discectomy Follow-up 24 months, 0% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Level: single level, L2–L5 Pure intradiscal technique, modified Hjikata instrumentation, n = 20 ♀8 ♂12, mean 40 years, range 12–55 GPE (S/S-score) I: 70% satisfactory, 0% poor
 Post-tension sign Control: open microdiscectomy, n = 20 ♀6 ♂14, mean 42 years, range 19–63 C: 65% satisfactory, 15% poor
 Neurological deficit Patient satisfaction I: 55%, C: 55%
Exclusion criteria Recurrence I: 5%, C: 0%
 Sequestration Complications I: 0%, C: 5%
 Previous surgery (same level) Re-operations I: 15%, C: 5%
 Cauda syndrome
 Segmental instability
Ruetten et al. [47], not adequately randomized (alternating by independent person) n = 200 Inclusion criteria Type: all LDH Index: endoscopic transforaminal and interlaminar lumbar discectomy Follow-up I: 24 months, 8% lost to follow-up Authors excluded n = 6 from analyses due to revision surgery. These were taken into account in this review, n = 41 were operated via a transforaminal endoscopic technique, n = 59 patients were operative via an interlaminar endoscopic technique
 Radiculopathy Level: single level, L1–S1 Intracanal technique, YESS, Richard Wolf instrumentation, n = 100 C: 24 months, 8% lost to follow-up
 Neurological deficit Control: open microdiscectomy, n = 100, mean 43 years, range 20–68 Pain leg (VAS) I: pre-op.75, follow-up 8, difference 67 = 89%
Exclusion criteria Overall, n = 200 ♀116 ♂84, mean 43 years, range 20−68 C: pre-op. 71, follow-up 9, difference 62 = 87%
 Not specified Pain back (VAS) I: pre-op. 19, follow-up 11, difference 8 = 42%
C: pre-op. 15, follow-up 18, difference −3 = −8.3%
Functional status: (ODI) I: pre-op. 75, follow-up 20, difference 55 = 73%
C: pre-op. 73, follow-up 24, difference 49 = 67%
Patient satisfaction I: 97%, C: 88%
Return to work (mean) I: 25 days
C: 49 days S
Recurrence I: 6.6% C: 5.7% NS
Complications I: 3%, C: 12% S
Re-operations I: 6.8% C: 11.5

Intervention as quoted in original article. Post-tension signs denotes positive tension signs (straight leg raising test or contralateral straight leg raising test)

Outcomes: S statistically significant, NS not statistically significant, PS patient satisfaction, MacNab MacNab score as described by MacNab [39]. The sum of ‘excellent’ and ‘good’ outcomes are labelled ‘satisfactory’, GPE global perceived effect, S/S-score Suezawa and Schreiber score [40], ODI Oswestry disability index [38]