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. 2009 Sep 15;19(2):181–204. doi: 10.1007/s00586-009-1155-x

Table 6.

Prospective cohort studies

Study Main inclusion criteria, main exclusion criteria Number of participants type/level LDH Interventions/technique/instrumentation Follow-up: duration and outcome Comment
Hoogland et al. [17] Inclusion criteria n = 262 ♀76 ♂186, mean 46 years, range 18–80 Endoscopic transforaminal discectomy (ETD) Follow-up: 24 months, 9% lost to follow-up Authors included only patients with recurrent LDH, more than 6 months after open microdiscectomy or endoscopic surgery
 Previous surgery (same level) Type: all LDH Intradiscal and intracanal technique Pain leg (VAS): pre-op. 8.5, follow-up 2.6, differences 5.9 = 69%
 Recurrent disc herniation Level: single level, L2–S1 Thessys instrumentation Pain back (VAS): pre-op. 8.6, follow-up 2.9, difference 5.7 = 66%
 Radiculopathy GPE (MacNab): 31% excellent, 50% good, 2.5% poor
 Post-tension sign Patient satisfaction: 51% excellent, 35% good, 5% poor
 Neurological deficit Recurrence: 6.3%
Exclusion criteria Complications: 1.1%
 Not specified Re-operations: 7%

Hoogland and Schenkenbach [15]

Schenkenbach and Hoogland [51]

Inclusion criteria n = 130 ♀43 ♂87, mean 39 years Endoscopic transforaminal discectomy (ETD) Follow-up: 12 months, 5.1% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Intradiscal and intracanal technique Pain leg (VAS): difference 5.9
 Post-tension sign Level: single level, L2–S1 Thessys instrumentation Pain back (VAS): difference 5.4
 Neurological deficit GPE (MacNab): 56% excellent, 27% good, 6% poor
Exclusion criteria Return to work (6 weeks): 70%
 Not specified Complications: 1.5%
Re-operations: 4.6%
Kafadar et al. [20] Inclusion criteria n = 42 ♀2 ♂40, range 18–74 years Percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal discectomy (PETD) Follow-up: mean 15 months (range 6–24) (SD 4), 0% lost to follow-up Authors excluded n = 8 from analyses due to stopped procedures. These were taken into account in this review
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Pure intradiscal technique GPE (S/S-score): 14% excellent, 36% good 36% poor
 Post-tension sign Level: single level, L4–L5 Karl Storz instrumentation Recurrence: 0%
 Neurological deficit Complications: 45%
Exclusion criteria Re-operations: 17%
 Previous surgery(same level)
 Spinal stenosis
 Segmental instability
 Calcified LDH
Kambin [23]; Kambin Inclusion criteria n = 175 ♀76 ♂99 Arthroscopic microdiscectomy and selective fragmentectomy Follow-up: mean 48 months (range 24–78), 3.4% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Pure intradiscal technique GPE (Modified Presby, St Luke score): 77% excellent, 11% good, 12% failed
 Post-tension sign Level: single level, L2−S1 Kambin technique Return to work (3 weeks): 95%
 Neurological deficit Biportal n = 59 Complications: 5.3%
Exclusion criteria Re-operations: 7.7%
 Large extraligamental LDH
 Previous surgery (same level)
 Cauda syndrome
 Degenerative disc
Knight et al. [27]; Knight et al. [29] Inclusion criteria n = 250 ♀? ♂?, mean 48 years, range 21–86 Endoscopic laser foraminoplasty (ELF) Follow-up: mean 30 months (range 24–48) (SD 5.87), 3.2% lost to follow-up Authors included also degenerative and lateral stenosis in this study
 Prior disc surgery n = 75 Type: All LDH Intradiscal and intracanal technique Pain (VAS > 50% improvement): 56%
 Back pain Level: single and multiple level, L2–S1 Richard Wolf instrumentation Functional status (ODI): 60% improved ≥ 50%
 Leg pain Complications: 0.8%
 Radiculopathy Re-operations: 5.2%
Exclusion criteria
 Cauda syndrome
 Painless motor deficit
Lee et al. [33] Inclusion criteria n = 116 ♀43 ♂73, mean 36 years, range 18–65 Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) Follow-up: mean 14.5 months (range 9–20), 0% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: not specified Intradiscal and intracanal technique Pain leg (VAS): pre-op. 7.5, follow-up 2.6, difference 4.9 = 65%
 Neurological deficit Level: single level, L2–S1 YESS, Richard Wolf instrumentation GPE (Modified MacNab): 45% excellent, 47% good, 6.0% poor
 Non-contained or sequestered LDH Return to work: average 14 days, range 1–48 days
Exclusion criteria Recurrence: 0%
 Previous surgery (same level) Complications: 0%
 Central or lateral stenosis Re-operations: 0%
 Segmental instability
Morgenstern et al. [42] Inclusion criteria n = 144 ♀48 ♂96, mean 46 years, range 18–76 Endoscopic spine surgery Follow-up: mean 24 months (range 3–48), 0% lost to follow-up Primary outcome of this study was to compare normal versus intensive physical therapy post operative revalidation
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Intradiscal and intracanal technique GPE (MacNab): 83% excellent and good, 3% poor
 Neurological deficit Level: multiple level n = 60, L1–S1 YESS, Richard Wolf instrumentation Complications: 9%
Exclusion criteria Re-operations: 5.6%
Ramsbacher et al. [45] Inclusion criteria n = 39 ♀21 ♂18, mean 50 years Transforaminal endoscopic sequestrectomy (TES) Follow-up: 6 weeks, 0% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Intracanal technique Pain leg (VAS): pre-op. 6.7, follow-up 0.8, difference 5.9 = 88%
 Neurological deficit Level: single level, L3–S1 Sofamor–Danek endoscope Pain back (VAS): pre-op. 5.1, follow-up 1.3, difference 3.8 = 74%
Exclusion criteria PS: 77% (very satisfied + satisfied)
 Far migrated sequesters Complications: 5.1%
 Central or lateral stenosis Re-operations: 10%
High iliac crest
Ruetten et al. [46] Inclusion criteria n = 517 ♀277 ♂240, mean 38 years, range 16–78 Extreme-lateral transforaminal approach Follow-up: 12 months, 10% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Intracanal technique, Richard Wolf instrumentation, n = 27 bilateral Pain leg (VAS): pre-op. 7.1, follow-up 0.8, difference 6.3 = 89%
 Neurological deficit Level: multiple level n = 46, L1–L5 Pain back (VAS): pre-op. 1.8, follow-up 1.6, difference 0.2 = 13%
Exclusion criteria Functional status (ODI): pre-op. 78, follow-up 20, difference 58 = 74%
 Far cranial/caudal migrated sequester Recurrence: 6.9%
 Previous surgery (same level) Complications: 0%
 Spinal stenosis Re-operations: 6.9%
Sasani et al. [48] Inclusion criteria n = 66 ♀36 ♂30, median 52 years, range 35–73 Percutaneous endoscopic discectomy (PED) Follow-up: 12 months, 0% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: foraminal + extraforaminal LDH Pure intradiscal technique Karl Storz instrumentation Pain (VAS): pre-op. 8.2, follow-up 1.2, difference 7.0 = 85%
 Post-tension sign Level: single level, L2–L5 Functional status (ODI): pre-op. 78, follow-up 8, difference 70 = 90%
 Neurological deficit Complications: 6.1%
Exclusion criteria Re-operations: 7.6%
 Previous surgery (same level)
Schubert and Hoogland [54] Inclusion criteria n = 558 ♀179 ♂379, mean 44 years, range 18–65 Transforaminal nucleotomy with foraminoplasty Follow-up: 12 months, 8.7% lost to follow-up
 Radiculopathy Type: all LDH Intracanal technique, Thessys instrumentation Pain leg (VAS): pre-op. 8.4, follow-up 1.0, difference 7.4 = 88%
 Post-tension sign Level: single level, L2–S1 Pain back (VAS): pre-op. 8.6, follow-up 1.4, difference 7.2 = 84%
 Neurological deficit GPE (MacNab): 51% excellent, 43% good, 0.3% poor
 Sequestration Recurrence: 3.6%
Exclusion criteria Complications: 0.7%
 Previous surgery (same level) Re-operations: 3.6%
Suess et al. [57] Inclusion criteria n = 25 ♀11 ♂14, mean 48 years, range 26–72 Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic sequestrectomy (PTFES) Follow-up: 6 weeks, 0% lost to follow-up All patients operated under general anaesthesia and EMG monitoring
 Radiculopathy Type: foraminal + extraforaminal LDH Pure intradiscal technique, instrumentation not specified Pain leg (VAS): pre-op. 6.7, follow-up 0.8, difference 5.9 = 88%
 Neurological deficit Level: single level, L2–L5 Pain back (VAS): pre-op. 5.1, follow-up 1.3, difference 3.8 = 75%
Exclusion criteria Complications: 4%
 Cauda syndrome Re-operations: 8%
 Spinal stenosis

Intervention as quoted in original article. Post-tension signs denotes positive tension signs (straight leg raising test or contralateral straight leg raising test)

Outcomes: S statistically significant, NS not statistically significant, PS patient satisfaction, MacNab MacNab score as described by MacNab [39]. The sum of ‘excellent’ and ‘good’ outcomes are labelled ‘satisfactory’, GPE global perceived effect, S/S-score Suezawa and Schreiber score [40], Presby. St Luke score Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke score [23], ODI Oswestry disability index [38]