Figure 7.
Phenotype of Arabidopsis cds4 cds5 mutants. A, Two-week-old seedlings segregating in a progeny of heterozygous mutant plants were cultivated on agar-solidified MSG medium with 3% (w/v) Suc. Homozygous double mutant seedlings are easily recognized by their pale greenish-yellow color and their retarded growth. B, Close-up of a wild-type (left) and mutant seedling (right) shown in A. C to F, Plants grown for 2 weeks on agar with Suc followed by 2 weeks of growth on earth. C, The cds4 cds5 mutant. D, The cds4 cds5 mutant expressing a chimeric CDS4 construct under the control of the 35S promoter that encodes CDS4.1 as a GFP fusion protein. E, The cds4 cds5 mutant expressing the open reading frame of CDS5 under the control of the 35S promoter. F, A wild-type plant. [See online article for color version of this figure.]