RT-PCR analysis of gene expression in trichomes. M82 tomato plants were grown to 3 weeks old, and RNA was extracted from isolated stem and petiole trichomes (T), stem and petiole tissue after removal of trichomes (−), and stem and petiole tissue with intact trichomes (+). Expression was analyzed for genes with ESTs enriched in trichome tissue compared with the TIGR TA ESTs. LoxC, Lipoxygenase C; MCPI, putative metallocarboxypeptidase inhibitor. Translation elongation factor-1α (EF-1α) was used as a constitutive control, and small subunit of Rubisco (ssRBC; TA17646_4081) was included as a control not expected to be highly expressed in trichome tissue. All reactions were done for 20 cycles except for WRKY, which was 25 cycles.