Figure 1. Analysis of host factor recruitment to HSV1 capsids.
Partially tegumented viral capsids were generated from mature extracellular particles released from HSV1 infected cells by detergent lysis to remove the viral envelope in the presence of 0.1 M, 0.5 M or 1 M KCl to extract different amounts of tegument (light green), and purified through sucrose cushions. Untegumented nuclear B and C capsids (dark green) were isolated from the nuclei of HSV1 infected cells by gradient sedimentation. The 5 different capsid types were resuspended in BRB80 buffer using tip sonification, treated with DNase and RNase, repelleted, and then incubated with cytosolic extracts or purified MAPs (colored circles). Capsids were analyzed for bound host factors either after sedimentation through a sucrose cushion by immunoblot or directly by electron microscopy after immunolabeling and negative contrasting.