Figure 2.
Voxel based analysis. All PET data was registered using each individual's MRI to the MNI single subject MRI template (first row). Individual BPF maps were averaged voxel-by-voxel in the control (CTR; second row) and NRM (third row) groups. The CTR average image is subtracted from the NRM average image (fourth row) to show regions that have greater average 5-HT1A receptor binding in NRM subjects. Statistically significant regions (p < 0.005) with greater BPF in the NRM group were calculated with an SPM5 parametric analysis, False Discovery Rate corrected for multiple comparisons, extent threshold set to p < 0.05 corresponding to a cluster size k>5000 voxels (fifth row). The top colorbar represents the BPF value in the images of rows two to four. The bottom colorbar represents the t score in row five image, where a t score of t>2.75 corresponds to p=0.005. MNI coordinates of displayed cross sections are given above SPM images.