Fig 1.
Changes in the expression of UbD and the catalytic subunits of the immunoproteasome were measured by qReal-Time PCR (N=4). Beta-Actin gene was used as the negative control for the effect of TNFa and IFNg cytokine transcriptional regulation. (UbD for 0%: TNFa+IFNg vs. C p<0.001; TNFa+IFNg vs TNFa p<0.001; TNFa+IFNg vs IFNg p=0.002; MECL-1: TNFa+IFNg vs. C p=0.002; TNFa+IFNg vs. IFNg p=0.044; TNFa+IFNg vs. IFNg p=0.004; IFNg vs. C p=0.054).