Fig. 7.
Upper left Schematic illustration of possible magnetization transfers via J(C,C) or J(C,P) couplings. a assigned 2D (H)CPC spectrum of the 14mer RNA. b assigned 2D (H)CP-CC-TOCSY-C1′ spectrum with a long CC-mixing time of τM = 32 ms for magnetization transfer to C1′. C: assigned 2D (H)CPC-C5′ spectrum with an additional transfer-step to C5′. All experiments were recorded on a 600 MHz NMR spectrometer and a temperature of 298 K using a cryogenic probe for 1H, 13C and 31P. The field strengths for 1H, 13C and 31P pulses were 23.8, 16.8 and 12.5 kHz, respectively. During acquisition, WALTZ and GARP decoupling sequences were applied at field strengths of 3.6 kHz and 833 Hz for 1H and 31P, respectively. The FLOPSY sequence was applied at a field strength of 8.3 kHz. The (H)CPC experiment was recorded with 512 scans for a period of 15 h. The (H)CP-CC-TOCSY-C1′ experiment was recorded with 1,792 scans for 52 h and the total experimental time for the (H)CPC-C5′ was 25 h. All three experiments were recorded with 20 and 1 k complex points in t1 and t2 by using a relaxation delay of 1 s. The acquisition time was set to 135 ms and tmax1 was 24 ms for all three experiments