Fig. 5.
Rapid processes in SR1-mediated rhodanese folding investigated with microfluidic mixing. (A) Scanning electron micrograph of the microfluidic mixing device (46). SR1-bound rhodanese in Ch2 is mixed with GroES and ATP in Ch1 and Ch3 in the narrow mixing region. Measurements were taken at different positions along the observation channel Ch4, corresponding to different times after mixing. (B) Transfer efficiency histograms of SR1-bound N variant (Left) and C variant (Right) at different times after mixing GroEL-bound rhodanese with 2 μM GroES and 2 mM ATP. (C) Kinetics of the average transfer efficiency 〈E〉 for the SR1-bound N variant (Left) and C variant (Right) obtained from the histograms in B. The lines represent a global double exponential fit to the data. The rate constant describing the slow increase after the initial drop was constrained to the rate constant of the apical domain movement of 0.68 s-1 (48). The histograms were recorded using dual excitation of donor and acceptor (35, 73) to eliminate the contribution close to E = 0 from molecules lacking an active acceptor dye.