Lack of TOR3 in L. major promastigotes show alterations in response to hyposmotic stress and elevated sensitivity to glucose starvation. Promastigotes were subjected to isotonic (open symbols) or hypo-osmotic (filled symbols) conditions, and the absorbance monitored over time as described in Materials and Methods. (A) WT (♢, ◆), tor3− (, ), and tor3−/+TOR3 (, ). Volume recovery was measured by light scattering. Result shown is for one of two similar experiments, each containing duplicate samples. (B) Glucose tolerance. Parasites were grown in RPMI media with glucose (closed bars) or without glucose (open bars). After 4 d, viability was assessed by uptake of propidium iodide using flow cytometry (PI+ indicates dead cells). Error bars are SDs of two independent experiments.