Figure 3.
Pattern of OMgp–protein expression during telencephalic development. (A–F) General views of mouse brains at different stages during development: embryonic stage 14 (E14), E16, P0, P5, P10, and P21. (G–J) High magnifications of the primary somatosensory cortex of mice aged from P5 to P21. Notice the relevant staining of the barrel field at layer IV between P5 and P10. A high magnification of an OMgp immunopositive barrel at P7 is shown in the insert. (K) High-power photomicrograph illustrating OMgp staining in P10 hippocampus. (L) OMgp staining in the cerebellum at P21. Purkinje cells are strongly labeled. (M) Transversal section of adult spinal cord labeled with anti-OMgp. An oligodendrocyte-like cell is OMgp positive (arrow) as well as other longitudinal thin processes. Abbreviations as in Figure 1 including AC, amygdaloid complex; HL, hindlimb; H, hippocampus; NC, neocortex and I–VIb, cortical layers; gl, granular cell layer; h, hilus; ml, molecular layer; slm, stratum lacunosum-moleculare; so, stratum oriens; sp, stratum pyramidale; sr, stratum radiatum; GL, granular layer; ML, molecular layer; PCL, Purkinje cell layer; and WM, white matter. Scale bars: (A–F) 500 μm; (G–K) 200 μm; (L) 100 μm, and (M) 10 μm.