Figure 9.
Mean change in synaptic weights between cell groups as a function of duration of stimulus presentation and plasticity mechanism. Fractional change in synaptic strength is plotted. (Left) Connections needing strengthening for forward recall. W1–C1 = first word to context-1. C1–W2 = context-1 to second word. (Right) Connections needing strengthening for reverse recall. W2–C1 = second word to context-1. C1–W1 = context-1 to first word. Stimulus protocols are two weak stimuli, with normal duration of other figures, 300 ms stimulus and 1000 ms between stimulus onsets (N), or 50% reduced interval between stimuli (−), or doubled interval between stimuli (+) or doubled interval and stimulus duration (++). Top row: associative short-term plasticity (ASTP). Second row: basic STDP (B-STDP). Third row: triplet-STDP (3-STDP) with parameters from cortical data (Ctx). Fourth row: triplet-STDP (3-STDP) with parameters from hippocampal data (HC).