FMRP regulates neural stem cell proliferation in the larval brain. (A–H) Single CB neuroblast clones (marked with GFP) in late third instar larval brains. Control clones [wild-type (A, B, E, F)] have fewer cells than dFmr1 mutant clones (C, D, G, H) after induction at first instar stage (4–10 h ALH). The type I neuroblast-specific marker, Asense, was used to differentiate type I (A–D) from type II (E–H) clones. Individual clone sizes were quantified by counting cells within each clone, grouped by genotype for type I (M) and type II (N) clones. Statistical significance (see text for P-values) was calculated using Student's t-test. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean. (I–L) Late clone induction (48–54 h ALH) results in single cell clones in both wild-type (I, J) and mutant (K, L) backgrounds in the ventral brain. Stainings, genotypes and clone induction regimes as indicated. Scale bar in (A) 25 µm, (I) 60 µm. Panels shown represent projections of two to three individual confocal slices, as needed, to include the entire clone.