Figure 1. Src kinases inhibition results in uncoupling of cytokines production from up-regulation of co-stimulatory molecules.
(A and B) Human MoDC were pretreated or not with PP2 (20 µM) and stimulated with PolyI∶C (20 µg/ml) or R848 (10 µM). (A) Cytokines released in the supernatants were detected after 24 hours of stimulation. Fold induction for the levels of each cytokine compared to unstimulated cells is plotted. Data from four independent experiments and the p values for the differences between the two experimental groups are shown (p value <0.05 is significant). (B) Surface expression of CD83 and CD86 was analyzed by flow cytometry after 36 hours of stimulation. Stimulated cells are represented with black line histogram, PP2-treated and stimulated cells are in grey line and untreated cells are in filled grey histogram. (C) MoDC were pretreated (open symbols) or not (filled symbols) with PP2 (20 µM) and stimulated with increasing concentrations of PolyI∶C and R848. Cytokines production was analyzed at 24 hours. Average fold induction of three independent experiments for the levels of each cytokine compared to unstimulated cells is plotted and the p values for the differences between the groups are shown (p value <0.05 is significant).