Figure 1. Total RNA and miRNA detection in the stools of healthy subjects.
(A) The graph shows the variation and amount of total RNA measured with RiboGreen and expression levels of RNU6b measured by TaqMan-PCR. Both total RNA concentrations (B) and RNU6b expression levels (C) showed a significant correlation between independent extractions. (D) Comparison of Ct values detected by qRT-PCR from various miRNAs showed a significant correlation between the direct miRNA analyses (DMA) method and miRNA from Qiagen kit-extracted samples. (E) Significant correlation in miR-16 and -26b expression levels was observed among different healthy individuals (F) Based on previous literature, 3 housekeeping RNA/miRNAs were evaluated for possible use as an internal control. RNU6b showed a high degree of variation and showed no significant correlation with miR-16 and -26b.