Fig. 1.
Up-regulated PDGF-CC expression in CNV and reduced CNV formation in PDGF-CC–deficient mice. (A–D) Real-time PCR showed up-regulated expression of PDGF-CC and PDGFR-α in choroids and retinas 7 d after laser-induced CNV. Arbitrary unit was used for gene expression with the normal controls set to 1. (E–G) Western blot confirmed the up-regulated expression of PDGF-CC and PDGFR-α in CNV. (H and I) PDGF-CC deficiency reduced CNV area to approximately 47% of control 7 d after laser treatment as measured by IB4 staining. (J and K) Histological analysis showed less edema formation in the CNV lesions in PDGF-CC–deficient mice as indicated by the reduced empty space around the CNVs. PDGF-CC deficiency also reduced fibrovascular formation. (L and N) PDGF-CC deficiency decreased ColIV+ (vascular marker) areas within the CNV lesions. (M and O) PDGF-CC deficiency decreased Mac3+ (macrophage marker) areas following CNV induction. Blue color in N and O indicates nuclei stained by DAPI. IPL, inner plexiform layer; INL/ONL, inner/outer nuclear layer; Ch, choroid. (Scale bars: 250 μm in H; 50 μm in J, N, and O.) *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.