Fig. 2.
Nonclustered Kv2.1 channels are conducting K+ channels. (A) DIC and GFP fluorescence images of the apical surface of a GFP-Kv2.1-loopBAD-expressing HEK cell. The red circle in the GFP fluorescence image shows the location of the patch pipette, demonstrating there are no Kv2.1 clusters near the patch pipette. (The scale bar applies to both micrographs.) (B) Representative sweeps to the indicated potentials from an off-cluster patch. (C) Current–voltage relationship from four off-cluster patches. (D) Conductance–voltage relationship calculated from the data in C, assuming an intracellular [K+] of 140 mM and thus a reversal potential of −84 mV. V1/2 of the fitted data from conductance–voltage plot = +10.6 mV. The red plot illustrates the voltage dependence as obtained from whole-cell currents illustrated in Fig. S2.