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. 2010 May 25;24(8):675–686. doi: 10.1007/s10822-010-9365-1

Table 4.

The PDB structures employed for ligands present in dissimilar bound conformations in different receptors

Namea Rotorsb RMSD differencesc (Angstroms, Å) RMSD pre/post-minimizationd (Angstroms, Å) Number of conformers Minimum RMSD (Angstroms, Å)
omega e nmrclust f rms g rms_avg h omega e nmrclust f rms g rms_avg h
pbn_1TNI 4 1.386 0.44 39 8 9 7 0.48 0.664 0.48 0.48
pbn_1UTP 4 0.312 39 8 9 7 0.507 0.63 0.761 0.761
pt1_1BR6 4 2.107 0.308 78 15 15 19 0.613 1.121 0.794 0.794
pt1_1TX0 4 0.513 78 15 15 19 0.894 1.112 1.107 0.966
adp_13PK 6 2.193 1.134 500 65 68 180 1.132 1.154 1.192 1.192
adp_1HW8 6 0.862 500 65 68 180 1.435 1.486 1.441 1.363
kan_1KNY 6 2.248 0.709 500 41 45 70 1.855 1.855 2.039 2.039
kan_1L8T 6 0.626 500 41 45 70 2.026 2.026 1.764 1.815
i84_1EKO 8 1.369 0.519 500 62 69 50 1.124 1.149 1.217 1.609
i84_1EL3 8 0.383 500 62 69 50 0.891 0.947 0.962 0.997
fad_1A8P 13 2.851 0.656 500 40 48 500 1.634 1.746 2.288 1.634
fad_1B2R 13 0.605 500 40 48 500 2.116 2.363 2.169 1.574
acd_1ADL 14 1.859 0.667 500 64 69 148 1.081 1.081 1.081 1.081
acd_1CVU 14 0.57 500 64 69 148 1.306 1.532 1.494 1.435
im1_1SBG 16 3.306 0.357 500 68 75 75 1.576 1.595 1.76 1.76
im1_1TCW 16 0.414 500 68 75 75 1.732 1.732 1.665 1.665
L95 6.422 1.607 0.452 284.277 33.242 36.545 48.531 0.997 1.128 1.106 1.087
Mean 8.875 2.165 0.567 389.625 45.375 49.750 131.125 1.275 1.387 1.388 1.323
U95 11.328 2.723 0.683 494.973 57.507 62.954 213.719 1.554 1.646 1.671 1.558
Standard deviation 4.60 0.67 0.22 197.70 22.77 24.78 155.00 0.52 0.49 0.53 0.44

The statistics of the data are shown in the last four rows of the table

aThe name of the ligands and protein databank IDs are represented by the first three and last four alphanumeric characters, respectively

bThe number of rotatable bonds in the ligands

cRMSDs between the bound conformations of the same ligand in the two receptors selected

dThe RMSDs between the minimized and unminimized bound ligand conformation. More details are presented in the Methods section

eEnumerated with recommended settings in OMEGA

Generated by: f Clustering the OMEGA conformers employing the NMRCLUST algorithm

gAdjusting the rms parameter of OMEGA to generate similar numbers of conformers as the number of clusters identified by the NMRCLUST algorithm

hPartitioning the dataset into low, medium and large numbers of rotatable bonds, averaging the rms values in each group and using the averaged rms values. L95 and U95 are the lower and upper 95% confidence interval of the mean, respectively