Altered fat cell size and triglyceride content in Agpat6−/− tissues. A: Hematoxylin/eosin-stained BAT and gonadal fat pad sections from mice fed chow, fed a HF/HC diet, or on the ob/ob background, as indicated. Magnification, 320×. B: Triglyceride (TG) levels in BAT and gonadal fat tissue isolated from mice under the conditions shown in A. C: Quantitation of fat cell area in gonadal fat pad sections from female mice under the conditions indicated. Randomly chosen sections from three wild-type mice and three Agpat6−/− mice were used, and a total of 200 cells from each were measured with NIH Image software. Values are expressed as means ± SD in arbitrary units. Open and closed bars represent wild-type and Agpat6−/− mice, respectively. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01.