A. Venn diagram of phosphotyrosine sites identified in Kras/Lkb1 primary versus metastatic murine tumors and isogenic paired cell lines (NCI-H358 and BEAS-2B) expressing shRNA to LKB1 (LKB1D) or a non-targeting shRNA (NT). Western blots show the effectiveness of LKB1 knockdown (LKB1D) in NCI-H358 and BEAS-2B cells. Red numbers in brackets show differentially increased or decreased phosphotyrosine sites in each comparison.
B. Table of coordinately regulated, LKB1 dependent, phosphotyrosine sites. Details of the LKB1 dependent phosphotyrosine sites found to be coordinately regulated across datasets are listed and include the phosphorylated protein, the tyrosine site, heatmaps of log2 ratios of indicated comparisons (red, positive log2 ratios; blue, negative log2 ratios), as well as the putative upstream kinase. The GEP (gene expression profiling) data column indicates the level of expression of the genes encoding these proteins between Kras/Lkb1 (primary or mets) versus Kras murine tumors comparisons (red dots = significantly overexpressed, green dots = significantly underexpressed, and orange dots = no significant change). 1 Upstream kinases obtained from PhosphoELM, HPRD and Swissprot databases; 2 Upstream kinases obtained from NetworKIN database. See also Figure S2.