Infected myeloid cells near the choroid plexus express both neural stem/progenitor cell and myeloid-lineage markers. Sagittal brain sections from infected pups were harvested 24 h PI, deparaffinized, and immunostained with antibodies against nestin and Mac3. A, C, As expected, nestin staining (red) was evident in the SVZ. However, detectable levels of nestin expression were also seen within infected cells (green) adjacent to the choroid plexus and circulating within the CSF of the lateral ventricle. B, D, The majority of infected cells within the lateral ventricle expressed Mac-3 (a bone marrow myeloid-lineage marker) indicated by the high levels of expression (red) within the lateral ventricle. E, F, No signal was observed in parallel sections immunostained using a mouse IgG isotype control antibody for nestin (E) or a rat isotype control antibody for Mac3 (F). A–F, 20× objective.