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. 2010 Jun 29;5:51. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-51

Table 3.

Effects of TPB variables and individual and organisation characteristics on professionals' intention to use clinical guidelines--ordinary least squares models

Overall model Physicians model Nurses model Others model
Variables B t-test B t-test B t-test B t-test
Constant 0.84 2.07 * 1.15 1.26 0.98 2.03 * 1.96 1.50
Attitude 0.26 6.15 *** 0.24 3.11 ** 0.27 5.18 *** 0.15 1.16
Subjective norm 0.34 7.13 *** 0.27 2.67 ** 0.33 5.71 *** 0.48 3.02 **
Perceived behaviour control 0.34 5.94 *** 0.45 3.82 *** 0.28 3.99 *** 0.35 2.03 *
Gender -0.01 -0.09 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.38 -0.07 -0.12
Age -0.01 -1.62 -0.01 -1.19 -0.00 -0.54 -0.03 -1.84
Primary care 0.9 0.93 -0.40 -2.34 * 0.20 1.74 0.30 0.97
KLa -0.32 -1.89 0.07 0.16 -0.24 -1.14 -0.71 -1.63
NSa -0.18 -1.11 0.45 1.10 -0.21 -1.03 -0.55 -1.33
Nurse_dummyb 0.34 2.70 **
Physician_dummyb 0.52 3.25 **

n 637 122 435 78
R square 0.37 0.52 0.36 0.39
Adjusted R 0.36 0.48 0.34 0.32
F 37.41 *** 15.13 *** 29.73 *** 5.56 ***

***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05

a Kymenlaakso (KL) and Northern-Savo (NS) hospital districts: dummy variables, with the Central-Finland hospital district (CF) as a reference group.

bThe other profession group was a reference group in the overall model.