(A) Western Blot for Sox2 expression. OB1-Apert cells were infected with pBabe-Hygro retrovirus expressing the indicated shRNAs against Sox2 or scrambled (sc) shRNA. Pools of cells were selected in Hygromycin B and protein was extracted. Sox2 expression was determined by immunoblotting.
(B) Colony formation by Sox2 shRNA-expressing osteoblasts. OB5, OB1 and OB1-Apert cells infected with pBabe-Hygro retro-virus expressing either scrambled (sc) or sh900, sh998 and sh1043 were plated in triplicate and selected in Hygromycin B for 7-10 days followed by staining with Crystal Violet. Pictures of representative plates of OB1 and OB1-Apert cells expressing shRNA are shown and quantified in adjoining Table
(C) Growth of Sox2 shRNA-expressing OB1-Apert osteoblasts. OB1-Apert cells (0.1 × 106 cells/well) stably expressing either scrambled (sc) or sh900, sh998 or sh1043 were plated in triplicate and growth of cells assessed by counting cells in a Z1 Beckman Coulter counter. * = p<0.05