Figure 2.
Path diagram of Model 1. t denotes the current conflict, t − 1 denotes the preceding conflict, T denotes all of the conflicts, and i represents the individual family. β1w,i and β1h,i represent the family-specific influences of child negative emotional or behavioral responding on the maternal and paternal manifest positivity, respectively; β2w,i and β2h,i represent the family-specific influences of child agentic responding on the maternal and paternal positive manifest variable, respectively. βPosw,t−1→Posw,t,i represents the lag-1 autoregressive influence of wife positivity at the previous conflict (t − 1) on wife positivity during the conflict at time t for family i, βPosh,t−1→Posh,t,i represents the influence of husband positivity at conflict t − 1 on husband positivity for family i at conflict t, βPosh,t−1→ Posw,t,i represents the cross-regressive influence of husband positivity at conflict t − 1 on wife positivity for family i at conflict t, and βPosw,t−1→Posh,t,i represents the cross-regressive influence of wife positivity at conflict t − 1 on husband positivity for family i at conflict t. The family-specific deviation terms (e.g., Error-Wife Positivityit, Error-Husband Positivityit) constitute the random effects components, and represents the variance of the random effects components.