Fig. 1.
Abcc8 mRNA and SUR1 protein are up-regulated in human SCI. (A) Sections of spinal cord showing the epicenter (Epi) and adjacent intact penumbral tissues (Pen) at C3, as well a remote region (Rmt) at T10, stained with H&E or immunolabeled for SUR1. The montages showing SUR1 immunolabeling (right) were constructed from multiple individual images, and positive labeling is shown in white pseudocolor. (B and C) High-magnification images of white matter (B) and gray matter (C) from the penumbra immunolabeled for SUR1 (red) and colabeled for nuclear NeuN (green), indicative of neurons; the superimposed image is also shown in (C). (D) Bar graphs comparing SUR1 expression in a region of interest (ROI) in remote versus penumbral white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM); data from six patients. **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. (E) In situ hybridization for Abcc8 in penumbra or remote white matter or gray matter, with antisense (AS) or sense (SE) probes. Scale bars, 50 μm [(B) and (C)], 100 μm (E). The images shown are from patients 238 (A and B), 176 (C), 222, and 162 (E).