Figure 5. Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA GTPase activity levels are elevated in RhoGDI (−/−) mesangial cells compared to wild-type.
Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA GTPase activities were assayed in RhoGDI (−/−) and (+/+) MSCs by standard PBD pulldown assay, as described in Materials and Methods. A typical assay is shown for each GTPase (lower panels). In the upper panels, the activities were normalized to actin expression levels. Results are given as normalized GTPase activity levels in RhoGDI (−/−) as a percentage relative to that in RhoGDI (+/+) cells. The results shown represent the mean +/− SD (Rac1-GTP (n=6), Cdc42-GTP (n=3) and RhoA-GTP (n=3); * p < 0.01, **, p < 0.01, student t-test).