TSG-6/HC2-mediated HC transfer positions the HCs randomly on the bikunin CS. Shown is a Coomassie Blue-stained reduced SDS-PAGE gel of IαI (lane 1), IαI incubated with TSG-6 (lane 2), IαI digested with chondroitinase ABC (ChonABC, lane 3), IαI incubated with TSG-6 in the presence of EDTA and subsequently digested with chondroitinase ABC (lane 4), IαI incubated with TSG-6 and subsequently digested with chondroitinase ABC (lane 5), and chondroitinase ABC alone (lane 6). The experiment shows that after IαI has been exposed to TSG-6, chondroitinase ABC treatment generate only a faint HC1·HC2 band (lane 5), in contrast to the chondroitinase ABC treatment of authentic IαI (lane 3). This suggests that TSG-6/HC2 has rearranged the positions of the HCs on the CS chain, thus facilitating cleavage of the CS between the two HCs.