Delineation of the smallest 5LO-interacting domain of Dicer to its C-terminal 140 amino acids comprising the dsRBD in the yeast two-hybrid system. (A–C) Yeast strain PJ69-4A was cotransformed with plasmids expressing the Gal4 BD-5LO and Gal4 AD-Dicer deletion mutants. (A) Transformants were tested for the Ade, His and LacZ reporter genes. +++, denotes yeast growth visible at 2 days; −, denotes absence of yeast growth at 7 days. Color of the colonies was noted at 7 days. (B) Expression of the Gal4 AD-Dicer deletion mutant (upper panel) and the Gal4 BD-5LO (lower panel) proteins was confirmed by immunoblot (IB) analysis. (C) Transformants were tested for the His reporter gene in the presence of increasing concentrations of 3-AT. Growth of the colonies was scored when visible at 2 (+++), 4 (++) or 7 (+) days. −, denotes absence of yeast growth at 7 days.